

Q: When will you open for fursuits?

a: I will always announce when I will open for fursuits. Currently, I am CLOSED for fursuit commissions.

Q: How much do your fursuits cost?

a: Each design will have a different price. Check out ”FURSUITS” tab to see our base price!


Q: How much is it in USD?

Please check google ” x Euro’s to USD.” It might differ abit, but not that much.

Q: Are you open for quotes?

a: I am not open for exact quotes until I am open for commissions. Rough estimates can be given.

Q: How will you know my sizes?

a: Each customer is required to sent me a DuctTapeDummy. 

Q: What material do you use for feetpaws?

a: Depends! For indoor paws they will be mostly made out of polyfill, outdoor with foam and rubber soles.

Q: Do you sell custom feetpaw sandals?

a: When you buy a set of indoor feetpaws I can include them!

Q: I am underage. Will you sell me a fursuit?

a: No. For 2 reasons. 1, you are too young, 2 you will probably outgrow your suit. When you are over 18 feel free to hit me up about a commission though!

Q: Do you take private/mature commissions?

a: Yes, but please ask me first so I can modify your quote!

Q: Can I get a free/discounted/trade fursuit?

a: No. Sorry, I don’t do free, discounted, or trades for any of my fursuit commissions. Building one takes time and effort, and the bills don’t pay for themselves!

Still don’t have the answer you came here for? Contact me trough any social media platform!